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How To Set Reasonable Dieting Goals For Your Lifestyle
Goals, in simple words, are desired results. They are simply what one desires to achieve within a certain period. Most times, people set goals but are unable to fulfill those goals. This is very common towards the end of the year.
During the December period, people begin to set goals for the new year. To be sincere, setting goals is one thing: fulfilling those goals is another thing. Setting goals actually require more than merely saying it. It requires consistency, determination, and discipline to actually achieve your goals.
There is a big difference between setting reasonable and unrealistic goals. Reasonable goals, with hard work, determination, and consistency, can be achieved, while unrealistic goals can never be achieved.
As an individual hoping for positive changes in the new year, your top goal may be to lose some weight. This article will educate you on how to set reasonable dieting goals for your lifestyle.
Know Your Status and What You Need
Before going ahead to set dieting goals for yourself, start by knowing your status. What is your weight? How many pounds do you want to lose? When you know your exact weight, then you can set realistic dieting goals for your lifestyle. Generally, knowing what you want to achieve in the long run is also very important. Ask yourself, “what weight do I want to achieve?” All these are essential to your success.
Long Term Goals
According to some studies, short term diets never work. Short term diet involves dieting for a short period after which you will stop. Dieting, in other to be effective, requires consistency. For instance, you planned to go on a diet for three months to lose three pounds. After that three months, you stop the diet and resume to your normal lifestyle. After another three pounds, and then you will gain three or more pounds, and then you are back to the base. Aim for long term goals such that it becomes part of your lifestyle.
Understand What You Need
Whatever you want to achieve has a list of requirements. Understand what you need to get there and then push forward for the goal. To lose weight, understand that there is a certain amount of calories that should be taken per day. When you understand what you need, check the next point.
Understand The Price To Achieve Your Goal
Almost everything comes with a price. People don’t just lose weight overnight. Understand that to achieve your goal, there is a price you have to pay for a long time. This depends solely on the type of diet you want to embark on. Some types of diets may require you to eat only fresh veggies, fruits, and other low carb foods. On the other hand, some other types of diet may require you to couple workouts with low carb foods. Whichever price it may take, prepare your mind for it. This is because most people drop out during the process because their minds were not in it.
Divide Your Plans Into Sub Plans
There is a goal to achieve within a period. Looking at that long term goal may scare you. It looks impossible to achieve. There will always be doubts, and if you’re not careful, it may be impossible to commit. Take it little by little, one step at a time. Divide your long term goals into short terms goals.
Jackie Baumrind, M.S., R.D., a dietitian at Selvera Wellness, told SELF, “People say their New Year’s resolution is to lose 50 pounds. That may be good as a long-term goal, but you need realistic short-term goals, too.”
For instance, your long term goal is to lose 300 pounds within two years. That seems like a lot of pounds to lose. It’s never going to be easy. So that’s scary!
Divide this long term goal into short term goals such as losing 20 pounds per month for two years. Achieving each of these short term goal sets signifies your progress. Before you know it, the primary goal for dieting is achieved.
Be Realistic And Intentional
It is important to know that achieving your dieting goals is solely dependent on you. Make realistic plans that are actually achievable. There are some goals that are irrational and thus not achievable. For instance, I’m going to lose 200 pounds in one week. Don’t rush it! Setting realistic dieting goals means setting goals that are possible to achieve.
There are five factors that can determine the authenticity of a goal:
- Specific: A goal must be specific rather than general. This is because specific goals are more likely to be achieved than general goals. A specific goal is more detailed in regards to exactly what you want to achieve. For instance, a general goal is “I want to lose weight,” while a specific goal is “I want to lose 30 pounds within a year.” The second one is more detailed than the first one. This helps with your decision making.
- Measurable: Your goal must be measurable. There should be able a way to track your progress. Our example, “I want to lose 30 pounds within a year” is measurable because the progress can be tracked if you are actually losing pounds per day or month.
- Achievable: Set goals that can be achieved, not impossible ones. If your goal is too difficult, there is a possibility you’ll drop at some point. Understand yourself and set attainable goals.
- Realistic: Set short term goals and be real with yourself. If you know that you find it hard to keep up with rigorous workouts, start from the less difficult ones and gradually work your way up.
- Time Count: Your goal must possess a time limit, or in simpler words, a deadline. This would discipline you more and charge you to achieve your goals.
These five factors must be considered before setting dieting goals.
What is Your Drive?
To achieve every goal, there must be a drive or motivation to work each day. Researchers discovered working alongside other people can serve as a form of drive to achieve your goals. For instance, as part of the dieting plan, you must work out for at least one hour a day. Getting people with similar goals will help very well. This will motivate you to work. Even when you’re not feeling up to it, your group members will motivate you to work.